公益財団法人現代芸術振興財団は、2023年10月29日(日)〜11月11日(土)まで、ハロルド・アンカート個展「Bird Time」を両足院(京都)にて開催いたします。
本展では、寺院建築に合わせた絵画シリーズが展示されます。各作品には、架空の世界へと続く円窓が描かれています。展覧会タイトル「Bird Time」は、朝陽が昇り、鳥たちがさえずり始める時間のことを指し、それは同時に、人々が寝醒め、1日の最初に目を開く時でもあります。
本展覧会は、アンカートが日本で初めて開催する個展です。彼は今までに日本を何度も訪れ、日本とその国に住む人々との間に特別な関係を築いてきました。2019年に出版された『Tokyo Private (Un Roman Photo)』(Zolo Press)では、日本中を「グランクラス」で旅する道中での事柄やパーソナルエッセイが記録されています。
Contemporary Art Foundation is pleased to announce Bird Time, an exhibition by Harold Ancart at Ryosokuin Temple in Kyoto, Japan. Ryosokuin Temple is a Zen temple established in 1358 by Zen Master Ryuzan Tokken.
The exhibition will present a series of paintings specifically sized to the temple’s architecture. Each painting features a circular window that opens into an alternate reality. The title of the exhibition: Bird Time, refers to the early hour of the morning when, coincidentally, birds start singing. It is also when, upon awakening, we first open our eyes.
“As we find ourselves, for a second maybe, in between dream and reality, vision comes to us as a whole, with no hierarchy, as if we were seeing for the very first time. This moment is priceless to the painter as it is the only moment when no distinctions are being made between the many parts that constitute our visual field.” Says Ancart who understands painting as a network of elements in which each stroke shares the same "horizontal" position of power and authority, therefore playing theoretically an equal role.
Harold Ancart’s paintings, sculptures, and installations explore our experience of natural landscapes and built environments. Alluding to a range of art historical sources and often characterized by abstract passages of color, they are sometimes arranged into multipart tableaux.
This exhibition marks the first solo exhibition in the country by the artist. Harold Ancart has a special connection with Japan, having visited the country multiple times, making many friends along the way. His 2019 publication, TOKYO PRIVATE (UN ROMAN PHOTO) (Zolo Press) consists of his thoughts and ideas while experiencing “Gran Class” travels throughout the country.
The artist's work joined the collection of Yusaku Maezawa, the founder and chairman of the Contemporary Art Foundation in 2017. The foundation has been following Ancart’s practice ever since.
ハロルド・アンカートは、1980年ブリュッセル生まれ、ニューヨーク在住。主な所蔵先美術館に、ソロモン・R・グッゲンハイム美術館(ニューヨーク)、ホイットニー美術館(ニューヨーク)、ハーシュホーン美術館・彫刻庭園(ワシントンDC)、メニルコレクション(ヒューストン)、ロサンゼルス現代美術館、ポンピドゥーセンター(パリ)、パリ近代美術館、バイエラー財団(リーエン/バーゼル、スイス)、レンバッハハウス(ミュンヘン)、ルイジアナ近代美術館(フムレベック、デンマーク)などがある。個展には、「Untitled (there is no there there)」メニルコレクション(ヒューストン、2016)、「Subliminal Standard」キャドマン・プラザ公園(ニューヨーク、2019-20)などがある。また、『Soft Places』(Triangle Books、2018年)、『Tokyo Private (Un Roman Photo)』(Zolo Press、2019年)など、複数のアーティストブックを出版している。
Harold Ancart was born in Brussels in 1980 and lives and works in New York. Collections include the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC; Menil Collection, Houston; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; Centre Pompidou, Paris; Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris; Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Switzerland; Lenbachhaus, Munich; and Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark. Solo exhibitions include Untitled (there is no there there), Menil Collection, Houston (2016), and Subliminal Standard, Cadman Plaza Park, New York (2019–20). Ancart has also published several artist’s books, including Soft Places (Triangle Books, 2018) and Tokyo Private (Un Roman Photo) (Zolo Press, 2019).
Ryosokuin is the pagoda temple of Kenninji Zen temple in Gion, Kyoto. The temple has a beautiful garden on its grounds, where visitors can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons. The temple attracts many visitors, especially in early summer, when the flowers are in full bloom.
The temple continues its quest for "wisdom and compassion" through contemporary art that transcends the boundaries between fields, attempts to connect with tradition, and meditation that is not bound by conventional methods.
Ryosokuin website: https://ryosokuin.com/
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